Sunday, October 18, 2009


If I am to vote off someone off the island it will be Osama bin laden. I consider him a selfish and unrealistic opportunist that wishes to realize his perverted objective through aimless killings and divisive tactics. I think he is disgrace humanity.
Angry that the Saudi government rejected his proposal to defend Saudi Arabia when Iraq invaded Kuwait, but did accept the United State’s offer, bin laden criticized the Saudi monarchy and was asked to leave the country. He moved to the Sudan and declared war on the United States and her interests. His organization Al Qaeda capitalizes on Pro- Palestine sentiments and poverty to recruit militants. His strategy is to brainwash his recruits and have them go blow themselves up to kill innocent people.Such terror attacks have killed thousands of innocent people around the world, including the East African American embassy bombings and the 9/11 attacks and caused resources that could have gone into progressive developments to be channeled to elevate preventive security measures against attacks. Mr. Osama bin laden is the reason you take your shoes off at the security checks in the airport. That Mr. bin laden is alive and still gives out instructions in tapes after all his terrible deeds could inspire other disgruntled elements of society to adopt his tactics and methods.
Terrorism used to be rare, and restricted to the Middle East conflict. But these days there seem to be some form of terrorist cell in every part of the world waiting to explode. The world will be a safer place without an inspiration to such fundamentalism.


  1. Good choice, I didn't think about him as a possible person to be kicked off. The sad part about kicking him off the island is it would only give rise to someone just like him. It's hard to get fundamentalist out of power because they are so good at getting people to follow them. It's sad but the world will always have to deal with people like him.

  2. I don't think anyone would argue that he is a good person to get off the island. Many times I also wish that the media that airs his tapes and makes them public would not give them air time. Not that I don't believe in freedom of the press but, we do not know if he is sending out secret messages in these tapes. Also I am sure they must have some sort of way yo trace the tapes and take the authorities to him. I think all his victims worlwide deserve justice and to have him tried. Unfortunately, I also agree with David that as soon as he's gone someone else will replace him.

  3. I think hes everyones number one in this country especially im sure. It is terrible how he uses a religion to influence many people the wrong message.

  4. Yea Bin Laden sucks, but I would keep him on my small island. If he was stuck on my island, he wouldn't be able to run and hide.

  5. Wow, good choice. I didn't really think of him. I think alot of people would love to see him kicked off the island. Those images are powerful and really shows what a cruel person he is.

  6. "Terrorism used to be rare, and restricted to the Middle East conflict. But these days there seem to be some form of terrorist cell in every part of the world waiting to explode."

    Frightening yet true point.

    These images are disturbing! I agree - vote off Bin Laden.
