Sunday, September 20, 2009

Social networking sites provide an efficient avenue to make new friends and/or stay in touch with old ones. These upgraded websites allow an individual to construct a profile, find a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view the lists made by others within the system. These extra features create a ‘community’ where people can communicate from different angles rather than just through response to a central point as is the case in regular websites.
These sites provide an environment where people can connect with strangers, find and stay in touch with loved ones or colleagues, or advance a cause. Sometimes these interactions may turn negative, especially when people take their cyber activities out to real life. Like when someone physically assaults another because of comments made on a social network site or when a predator meet a victim from one of these sites.
But these sites are increasingly popular because it gives the individual an avenue to put their personalities and activities out to a wider audience, and also to see the activities of the other people. Young adults are increasingly becoming part of this social world of personalized communication, and are spending c considerable time in a day catching up with events.
I have a facebook account and I think it is wonderful. I have lived and studied in five different countries, whenever I moved, I lost contact with old friends. Facebook helped me reunite with friends as far back as to elementary school. And Keeping in touch becomes easier when connected. The isolated cases of predators is as concerning as any other criminal act is. But these criminal acts can happen anywhere, assuming a predator meets a victim at the mall, I do not think responsibility should be shifted to the mall, and certainly think it would be an overreaction to mandate the mall not to let people of a certain age into the mall as a result. Parents should train their kids and make them understand that just because they chat with someone online does not mean they can meet somewhere, or to not talk to strangers in general.


  1. I liked your comparison between social networking sites and the mall. It is true that even if they get rid of the social networking sites, things like rape would still happen. I also agree that the main line of defense against predators and children should be the parents.

  2. Great staff, your right social networking gives people an opportunity to express and share personal information.Its the easiest way to keep in touch with friends from far away or friends from different parts of the world. Its so unfortunate that some people use it to take advantage of others.The right way to deal with this people is to epower kids so that they can make better decitions when they use social networking sites.

  3. I do believe that Myspace and Facebook are great ways for someone to express their ideas publically. Also, before Myspace and Facebook, people were not very likely to keep in touch with friends from school or work in the past. It is a great way to make keeping in touch easier but also makes it easier for unwanted guests to see you too.

  4. I agree everything you networking sites help everybody.for examlpe, you said that you still keep in tuch with your old classmates,even friends from elementary is helpful because is not cost you anything but if you try to call them,you will pay a lot of money.

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